KES Journal
International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems
The International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems (the KES Journal) is an international, peer-reviewed journal on all recent research into the applications, tools and techniques of Intelligent Systems, including a wide range of Topics.
The published papers are highly visible and indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), and many other databases. CiteScore for 2020 is increased to 3.4.
The content of the Journal is the responsibility of the KES International Research Organisation, which also presents a portfolio of well-attended annual conferences. The Journal is published by the major international publisher IOS Press which maintains its own IOS Press KES-Journal Web Page.
The KES Journal is abstracted/indexed in: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and Web of Science Core Collection, Engineering Index (EI) Compendex, SciVerse Scopus, Academic Source Complete, ACM Digital Library, Cabell's Guide or Directory, Computer Science Index, DBLP Bibliography Server, EBSCO database, Inspec IET, io-port, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory